Now, after seven years of research, DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material) will be the most comprehensive book ever released on the subject of camouflage. Compiled and published by Maharishi’s Hardy Blechman, DPM is a 944-page encyclopaedic art book that charts the history of camouflage that is illustrated with over 5,000 images (many previously unpublished) and split into three very different sections.

The story begins in the natural world with the colours, markings, and deceptive techniques that have evolved in plants and animals over millennia. This initial ‘Nature section describes the many ways in which organisms hide from and deceive on another with phenomena such as disruptive patterns, mimicry, and countershading. Stunning imagery for this section has been acquired from a number of renowne sources such as National Geographic, Oxford Scientific Films, and the award-winnin underwater photographer Dr Alexander Mustard.
The contemporary spread of camouflage patterns beyond their military context is undeniable. The final ‘Culture’ section of DPM documents this expansion of camouflag into the work of painters, sculptors, graphic designers, graffiti artists, architects, fashion designers, musicians, film stars, toy designers, and a myriad of other groups. This section includes, among other things: a study of how artists such as Andy Warhol came to us camouflage; a guide to the innovative camouflage patterns devised by clothing labels; photographs of famous camo-clad cultural icons such as Robert De Niro, David Beckham, and the Notorious BIG; and pictures of a mind-boggling array of camouflage artefacts.
Throughout this unique book a strong anti-war sentiment is expressed as DPM challenges perceptions about the militaristic, aggressive associations of camouflag and seeks to remind people of its natural origins and aesthetic beauty. DPM is the most authoritative book of camouflage ever published and an indispensable modern referenc guide for both the novice and seasoned camoufleur.
DPM: Disruptive Pattern Material
Compiled & Edited by Hardy Blechman & Alex Newman
Researched by Hardy Blechman, Alex Newman, Tom Trinkle, Ben Velez, Neil Davenport, Hiywet Abate, Simonez Wolf, Dr J F Borsarello
Graphics by Michael Hernan, Russell Maurice, Lee Glasspool, Tom Messenger, Stuart Daly.
Military Consultants Gary Paine , JP Soulier, Eric Larson & members of the International Camouflage Uniform Society.
“A monumental achievement” Stephen Bayley in The Times.
“An amazing work of love” Veronica Horwell in The Guardian.
“Best Books of 2004” in Wallpaper’s Design Awards.
“Pick of the Picture Books” in The Independent.